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Environment Monitoring
Become more efficient by relying on our environment monitoring. There you will find news from our daily monitoring concerning the innovation of products, processes and standards around sustainable development and the circular economy.
Des chercheurs du MIT développent un nouveau type de batterie
Des recherches menées par le MIT pourraient bénéficier à l’environnement. Bien que basée sur une simple…
Trending: Cloud-Based, Wood-Based Solutions Latest Attacks on Plastic Waste
"This week, SAP UKI announced plans to work with partners to pilot a “Plastics Cloud,” which will collect…
World’s First Ocean Cleanup System Launched From San Francisco
"The Ocean Cleanup, the Dutch non-profit organization developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans…
Produire du gaz naturel renouvelable à partir de cultures intermédiaires
A travers dix vidéos, GRTgaz présente dix acteurs et dix innovations en faveur de la transition écologique.…
Innovative technology will allow dementia patients to live independently in their own homes
"(Natural News) U.K. researchers have developed artificial intelligence (AI) technology that will reportedly…
Innovative technologies for a sustainable dairy industry
"The dairy industry comprises around 13 percent of Europe's total food and drink sector and is one…
Roadmap Paves the Way for SDG Implementation in Chemical Sector
"The World Business Council for Sustainable Development launched the Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap at…
Vient de para�tre : " Le riz et la Camargue: Vers des agro�cosyst�mes durables "
"Depuis plus de trente ans, la riziculture en Camargue constitue un véritable laboratoire de recherche…
Mycelium and Sawdust-Based Biodegradable Material Could Replace Plastics
"A technique for developing a biodegradable material from mycelium and sawdust has been discovered by…