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Environment Monitoring
Environment Monitoring
Become more efficient by relying on our environment monitoring. There you will find news from our daily monitoring concerning the innovation of products, processes and standards around sustainable development and the circular economy.
Solving a sweet problem for renewable biofuels and chemicals
Scientists are trying to break through the innovation bottleneck for the renewable bioproduction of…
Green light for new EU rules on organic farming
After 20 months of discussion, EU Parliament and Council negotiators reached an informal agreement Wednesday…
Eco-Emballages et Ecofolio fusionnent afin d’optimiser la collecte et le tri en France
Les deux éco-organismes, promoteurs de la collecte des emballages et des papiers, ne vont former plus…
Un Pacte mondial pour l’environnement
Garantir les droits environnementaux des citoyens du monde et d’abord des plus fragiles, c’est l’objectif…
Hydrocarbures : Hulot veut interdire tout nouveau permis d'exploitation
Le ministre de la Transition écologique a annoncé que cette interdiction se fera via une loi qui sera…
Solar tracking gives scientists tools to follow small animals
Keeping tabs on wild birds has long been a low-tech proposition. While radio collars and satellite tags…
Open imaging data for biology
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but only if you understand what you are looking at.
Climate imperils Ethiopia's coffee output
Climate change could wipe out more than half of Ethiopia's coffee production unless farmers move…
Biologists explore how testate amoebae survive in peat fires
An International team from China University of Geosciences, University of York and Lomonosov Moscow…