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Environment Monitoring
Become more efficient by relying on our environment monitoring. There you will find news from our daily monitoring concerning the innovation of products, processes and standards around sustainable development and the circular economy.
Los Angeles-Based Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute Launched
"The Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) announced the launch of the Clean Energy Smart…
Increasing the water table in agricultural peatland could hold key to reducing UK's greenhouse gas emissions
"Increasing the water table in agricultural peatland could hold key to reducing UK’s greenhouse gas…
L'Europe a ajouté 1,5 GW d'éolien offshore en 2016
"L'industrie éolienne offshore a annoncé un investissement total record de 18,2 milliards d'euros…
Ecophyto 2 : un peu moins de pesticides !
"Selon les chiffres publiés par le Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt,…
Catalyst mediates energy-efficient proton transport for reversibility
"When it comes to solar power, storing electricity as fuel would let that energy work on dark or stormy…
New analysis supports mangrove forests, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows as effective climate buffers
"In the global effort to mitigate carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, all options are on the table—including…
Trending: AzkoNobel, Startups Sustainably Solving Chemical, Packaging Challenges
"Finding new post-consumer uses and solutions for products is critical for making the shift towards…
IVECO Stralis NP Awarded Project of the Year
"IVECO Stralis NP, launched by the Turin-based truck manufacturer mid-2016 as the first natural gas…
Conférence à Paris sur l’agriculture urbaine, de Paris à Nairobi
"En collaboration avec AgroParisTech, Solidarités International organise la conférence « Techniques…