Environment Monitoring

Become more efficient by relying on our environment monitoring. There you will find news from our daily monitoring concerning the innovation of products, processes and standards around sustainable development and the circular economy.

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Hydrostor has created an interesting innovation in energy storage. The energy…
Ce document est une synthèse du travail de capitalisation mené en 2014-2015 par l’équipe Fert au Burkina…
IBM Research is expanding its Green Horizons initiative globally to help city governments, utility companies…
PARIS – Sportswear giant adidas has today revealed a new concept in footwear design, which has a 3D-printed…
Edmund Gerald "Jerry" BROWN, Gouverneur de Californie Les solutions renouvelables, l'innovation…
La RATP, dans le cadre de sa politique d'innovation au service du développement durable et de la…
Most European business leaders have prepared strategies to respond to climate change, but with a lack…
DECEMBER 2, 2015 –  Could the cruise ship of the future be powered by retractable solar paneled sails…
Un à deux milliards de dollars pour générer des innovations dans les énergies vertes, c’est impressionnant.…