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Environment Monitoring
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Projet : Une carte interactive pour observer les impacts b�n�fiques du confinement
Développée par l’Université Côte d’Azur, une carte interactive accessible en ligne dénombre les aspects…
Siemens Gamesa Launches World's Largest Offshore Wind Turbine
Siemens Gamesa on Tuesday launched the largest wind turbine ever publicly announced, a 14-megawatt model…
New Recycling Method Could Make Polyurethane Materials Sustainable
Researchers at the University of Minnesota are part of a national team in the Center for Sustainable…
New Materials for Capturing CO2 Could be Used to Reduce Industrial Emissions and as Catalysts
"Graphenea has completed its participation of the European GRAMOFON Project, which has developed an…
This scientific breakthrough could jumpstart the revival of the Great American Barrier Reef
"The Florida Aquarium has discovered how ridged coral reproduce, which had previously been a mystery..."…
Un consortium pour étudier les mazouts issus de la biomasse et des déchets plastiques
"Le centre de recherche technique de Finlande VTT a annoncé le 7 avril la mise en place d’un consortium…
Hospitalizations down once power plants retired coal or installed better emission controls
"After four Louisville, Kentucky, coal-fired power plants either retired coal as their energy source…
Scientists hail plastic-eating enzyme as 'breakthrough' for recycling
<!-- summary -->"Demonstration plant to open next year for lab-engineered enzyme researchers claim…
Storage - Total to Build the Largest Battery-Based Energy Storage Project In France
"French company, Total, has launched a battery-based energy storage project in Mardyck, at the Flandres…