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Environment Monitoring
Environment Monitoring
Become more efficient by relying on our environment monitoring. There you will find news from our daily monitoring concerning the innovation of products, processes and standards around sustainable development and the circular economy.
Mobilit� hydrog�ne�: la r�gion Occitanie lance un appel � projets
"La région Occitanie annonce le lancement d'un appel à projets sur la mobilité hydrogène. Trois…
China begins new environmental probe in smog-prone Hebei province - Reuters
"China has launched a new audit into environmental compliance in the northern industrial province of…
Energy Efficiency as a Service: Having Cake and Eating It Too
"The as-a-service model, in which capital-intensive costs are spread out over the useful life of the…
Mainstream, Eni team target UK offshore
"Italian energy company Eni is teaming up with Mainstream Renewable Power to develop renewables projects…
Meet your new car batteries: Water, carbon dioxide, and cobalt
"Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Lowell developed a safer and more efficient way to power…
What is sustainable palm oil?
"Can the palm oil industry improve its impact on the environment?..."
Hawaiian Electric holds 900MW renewables bid round
"Hawaiian Electric Industries’ subsidiaries are beginning the US state’s largest procurement to date…
Adoption of Zero Emission Vehicle Program Will Drive Colorado’s Transition to a Clean Transportation Future
"Influential investors and companies commend the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission today on their…
ArcelorMittal Exosun équipe la 1ère centrale solaire thermique sur trackers au monde
Inaugurée le 21 juin dernier, la centrale solaire thermique de Condat-sur-Vézère (Dordogne), en plus…